Introducing the International Tribunal for Natural Justice
April 20, 2015
Charles De Montesquie said, "there is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of law and in the name of justice." The very nature of freedom relies upon the holding of accountability on those who intend to destroy it.
The inherent responsibility of "the people" to take an active stance against all forms of tyranny, oppression and injustice, no matter the title, position or standing of the perpetrator, has become self evident. The so called leadership of this world has failed us. Heinous acts of terrorism are committed everyday on this planet. Not by religious radicals with home made bombs as the media would like us to believe, but by men in suits using not guns as weapons but dollar signs, hiding behind their position and stature to escape all forms of justice and accountability.
I am proud to stand behind the ITNJ and give my full support to this timely initiative designed to restore balance where little now exists. This announcement letter was written by one of their own, Paul Conant, to his network of friends and family. I was fortunate enough to be on that list. As Paul says at the bottom, if it resonates then consider sharing this information with others. As an official Advocate of the ITNJ, I do my part by sharing with you here now.
To all those who have worked tirelessly to make the ITNJ a reality, I solute you for your service. A job well done. Although, I'm certain this is just the beginning. Let freedom reign. ~BK
April 20, 2015
Charles De Montesquie said, "there is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of law and in the name of justice." The very nature of freedom relies upon the holding of accountability on those who intend to destroy it.
The inherent responsibility of "the people" to take an active stance against all forms of tyranny, oppression and injustice, no matter the title, position or standing of the perpetrator, has become self evident. The so called leadership of this world has failed us. Heinous acts of terrorism are committed everyday on this planet. Not by religious radicals with home made bombs as the media would like us to believe, but by men in suits using not guns as weapons but dollar signs, hiding behind their position and stature to escape all forms of justice and accountability.
I am proud to stand behind the ITNJ and give my full support to this timely initiative designed to restore balance where little now exists. This announcement letter was written by one of their own, Paul Conant, to his network of friends and family. I was fortunate enough to be on that list. As Paul says at the bottom, if it resonates then consider sharing this information with others. As an official Advocate of the ITNJ, I do my part by sharing with you here now.
To all those who have worked tirelessly to make the ITNJ a reality, I solute you for your service. A job well done. Although, I'm certain this is just the beginning. Let freedom reign. ~BK
Dear Beloved Friends and Family,
I am writing to all of you to introduce you (and in many cases re-introduce you) to the International Tribunal for Natural Justice (ITNJ), an initiative to which I have dedicated many months of volunteer effort.
I apologize if this comes across as spamming in any way – the truth is that we are working to make this endeavor as universally beneficial as possible as so we need to reach out to our communities in order to make that happen. This is why I am personally sending out this email. If you don’t want to receive any more emails on the subject contained herein just let me know!
Also, before reading this letter I kindly ask that you approach this thoughtfully. If you do not have time to thoughtfully read it now then please come back to it when you have a better moment. The message contained here is intense – nonetheless, with my full personal responsibility and liability, I attest that the issues it speaks to are necessary for us as a collective to address.
Now, without further ado…
The ITNJ initiative has arisen as a response to the disregard for the rule of law exhibited by (alleged) public officials, corporate directors, and “world leaders” everywhere who have deliberately privatized and weaponized the governments of the world against their own people. It is the culmination of years worth of work and research on the part of many people from a diverse set of backgrounds who are dedicated to safeguarding a viable future for humanity, and who recognize that we the people must take responsibility for holding our governments to account when they violate basic human rights. Whenever the community at large neglects to do this then it sets a precedent that allows continued violations to take place.
Such violations include but are not limited to:
Starting wars based on lies
Wantonly pillaging the ecosystem
Authorizing torture
Authorizing slavery
Holding non-violent and peaceful people in prisons
Engaging in organized child abuse
Use of the mainstream media to knowingly spread lies
Use of the private banking sector to systematically impoverish the world
Deliberately training police and military to escalate rather than neutralize conflicts…
Unfortunately the list goes on and on… Today we know conclusively that many of these activities are being facilitated by politically and financially powerful individuals and governmental and corporate organizations who perennially avoid being brought to account for their actions due to their influence and ability to maneuver about the world.
There is an extensive back-story behind this tribunal and it’s purpose. To summarize as succinctly as possible: many legal scholars, researchers, and activists who make up the ITNJ’s body of volunteers have discovered conclusively that the courts in America as well as the rest of the world are actually for-profit corporations masquerading as legitimate representational bodies. Not only that, but most of the world’scountries are themselves corporations too…
In America, Title 28 of the U.S. Code § 3002(15a) outrightly defines the “United States” as a “federal corporation”! Furthermore, these corporations are actively engaged in a war against the people today, which was discovered by 2,000 researchers who followed a gun case in D.C. that exposed deep currents of corruption running through the “justice” systems of the world. To explain how this works in one email is unfortunately not possible – however, for a more extensive view of this story, go here:
Much more data showing how all this works can also be found at the official website for the Committee to Support the ITNJ – – where we will be posting more documentation and confirming research over the next several days and weeks.
When you realize that the basic fact of the matter is that the various “governments” of the world do not truthfully represent the people but in actuality merely pretend to represent the people, then you will start to understand why it is that so many “leaders” and corporate directors appear to be so incompetent and rapacious. When you see how the legal system has been co-opted to become nothing more than an “enforcement arm” of the banking sector – which has been used as a weapon to artificially usurp the very time and energy of people all across the globe – you will gain a solid understanding of what is happening in our world.
Poverty, war, slavery, and even pollution are not inevitable – these things are merely symptoms of a status quo that derives its “authority” through fraud, threat, coercion, and manipulation.
However… have no fear! For we are the ones who are assisting the systems as they operate now, and it is none but ourselves who can change it. We are the very energy source that status quo requires to exist. And this is very good news, for it means we are endowed with the ability to change it!
Of course, we cannot expect the system to change by itself without a sufficient amount of enlightened public participation. We cannot superficially inch and wrangle our way towards “civilization” through coercion and conflict – nor can we establish a peaceful and harmonious world strictly through our current manner of funding or voting. Instead we will only get there through education, cooperation, and by refusing to accept a world of needless suffering for ourselves as well as the rest of the human family. Unscrupulous public officials, predatory corporations, and war-mongering world leaders need to stand down – for the sake of our collective future – and one very important step towards making this happen is for the people themselves to convene a tribunal to lawfully hold the willing perpetrators accountable.
“Natural Justice” = the Golden Rule in action. And the twin pillars of Natural Law are:
1) Do no harm.
2) Do not allow anyone else to get away with harming you or another. (Especially when a systemic pattern of abuse has revealed itself conclusively to the whole community!)
When anyone anywhere has had their right to a peaceful existence stolen from them through immoral coercion of any kind it is an affront against all human beings equally, and it becomes immediately incumbent upon the community to fix the problem. And this is the true and original purpose of any honest and valid court/judicial system: to assist the greater community in the preservation of our rights and life.
Any institution that deliberately pursues differing or contrary aims cannot be rightly considered a true source of Law!
This is why the ITNJ was officially established and announced to the world on Feb. 14, 2015. It is a valid court of the people, and it is here to set a basic precedent: that the rights of the people to a sustainable and peaceful life, and the community, resources, knowledge, and wisdom necessary to maintain such an existence are more important than the “rights” of corporate/legal-fictions to do whatever they want regardless of how their actions affect the living world and humanity.
The ITNJ plans on being the first international court in the history of the world to be live-streamed on the Internet. We are inviting the world to participate – a feature of this court is that we will be using the principles of e-governance to allow the public to be a voice at this court, and we now have the technology that allows us to do this. To read more about this endeavor, please visit On that site you will find our Constitution and Treaty under the “ITNJ” drop-down menu. And, as mentioned before, for more information, research, and to learn about how to participate/volunteer, visit
We are reaching out to the people of the world for support. The more who sign the ITNJ Treaty, and the more donations from the people, the more effective and beneficial to the whole world it will become. We officially launch our crowd-funding campaign on the 27th of this month. Check out our website: This means I am personally asking you to consider reading the ITNJ Treaty, and sign it if is speaks to your conscience. After all, this Treaty is for everyone.
And please consider making a donation - to make a donation NOW by visiting the site:
To get on our mailing list and receive updates as things progress, you can go here -
Thank you very much for taking the time to read this letter – if this message resonates with you, then I ask that you read the material in the links and/or share this letter with others on your social networks and help make it go viral.
I wish everyone nothing but the best in the warm months ahead!
Many well wishes!
- Paul Conant